
NU: Interfaith harmony is a must

Ahad, 14 April 2013 | 01:35 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
Deputy secretary general of Nahdlatul Ulama, M Adnan Anwar called on all parties not to neglect the importance of interfaith harmony issue because the easiest way to disrupt life in the community is through religious symbols.<>

"We know that religions with all their symbols are and will be very sensitive when they are deemed contrary from their followers," he told NU Online here on Sunday (14/4).

Adnan said that the interfaith harmony was a must in addition to being such a way of life for all religious believers.

To address the need of creating the harmony, Adnan called for the importance of all people to at least promote the role of the Religious Community Harmony Forum (FKUB).

He also explained that religious community certainly having differences, diverse cultures and value systems should not be contested "and diversity should be considered as a strength instead of weakness."

Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
